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PPP - Player Pump Player

One of the most important things for this cycle is shifting crypto from a PVP into a PPP mindset.

The difference:

PPP are by definition infinite games, while PVP are by default deeply finite games with a clear end point - the last sucker.

But why is PVP so prevalent , to the point where most outsiders and even many insiders feel that crypto is fundamentally a PVP game?

It is because PVP “communities” are super easy to form, since all the members need to agree on is to that attracting more people to buy their coin quite literally makes them richer (thanks to magic money creation) and so they should do a lot more of that.

In contrast, PPP communities are incredibly hard to build - since the core emphasis of the community cannot be around attracting others in the hopes of dumping of them, but rather towards having more allies towards building a common long term future together.

That said, the future of crypto is most certainly PPP, because even if 99.999% of new “communities” are PvP, the ones that lasts and thrives are certainly all PPP.

The hallmark of great communities like Bitcoin, Eth, Sol (and hopefully Jup) have been a community that is very aligned towards helping every single new entrant into the network win vs treating them as a pile of money to buy their bags.

PPP will win in the end, because:

Yet of course today, crypto has a really bad rap for being PvP, where the public perception is often that of greedy mofos creating and shilling magic internet money and saying anything in order to dump on the last suckers entering.

The core problem with that perception of course, is that there is a lot of truth to that to the point that even the most earnest participants often think

The thing we can do of course, is to actively reject PvP communities, and invest your time, effort and energy into cultivating real relationships and expertise in PPP community, vs the transient man eat boy ones in PVP spaces.

If we all eat each other vs grow each other, there’ll be nothing much to eat soon for anyone.

Crypto is probably the one industry where there’s absolutely no limit to which game you as an individual choose to play, and which communities you choose to join.

Choose PPP. Your mom will be proud.

Idea by the founder of Jupiter : Meow